
Did you marry a friend who seems to have become an enemy?
Do you and your spouse keep going round and round about the same issues?
Do you feel that your partner drains you of energy?
Is your sexual relationship on the blink?
Is all the excitement gone?

IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THESE STATMENTS, you can be helped by couple’s counseling.

I have been working successfully with couples since 1975. Not only can I help you improve your relationship, but you will have a marvelous opportunity for personal growth as you work through these problems, side by side, with your spouse.

  • I can teach you habits that will increase your happiness.
  • I can show you how to get the satisfaction you are looking for in your In your marriage.
  • I can help you to understand and be understood by your partner.
  • I can help you untangle and heal past wounds in your relationship.

love In The SandINTIMATE REALTIONSHIPS ARE CHALLENGING.  Most of us can’t live without them and, yet, sometimes we can’t live with them. We’ve been brain washed to think that once we meet our “true love” or “soul mate,” we can relax and live happily ever after. Let’s think about it. Who teaches us how to have a satisfying lasting relationship? The movies? Our parents? School? Developing a satisfying, emotionally intimate, and sexually intimate relationship/ marriage takes work after the “honeymoon” wears off. Don’t make the mistake that many couples do, of waiting too long before getting help. You can increase your chances of success by coming to marriage/couples counseling as soon as you sense recurring problems, ones that aren’t going away and that you are unable to resolve by yourselves. Seek professional help as early as possible.

However, if you have waited until the last minute, don’t panic. There can be hope and help. If each of you still wants the relationship and each of you is willing to make a time and energy commitment, it is possible to save your marriage/relationship. It may take time, but it is time and money well spent. You will be learning skills that help you not only in your marriage/relationship, but in all other relationships in your life. You will take away invaluable knowledge about yourself. Remember, all couples struggle. Any conflict that you experience with your partner is probably going on in thousands of other living rooms at this very moment. I can give you a window into what all couples struggle with and what might be particular to your relationship.

My couples work is informed by Harville Hendrix’ Imago Therapy,  Zona Scheiner, PHD of Family Therapy Associates of Ann Arbor, the work of  John Gottman, Virginia Satir and other Family Systems Therapists.