

The Amen Clinic has a holistic approach to brain health. I highly recommend them for detailed information about the brain using SPECT scanning, the 7 types of ADD, anxiety/depression and learning how your brain affects your health mentally, emotionally, and physically.  They provide ways to heal and increase brain function with supplements, techniques, diagnosis.  If you use any of their services, you can get a 15% OFF discount if you enter the discount code ECENTER673 when chcking out.  Click here for their store web site.


Information on Alcoholics Anonymous



myPartnerMy Partner Was Sexually Abused: VIDEO TAPE

Producers: Susan Morales, LMSW, Marge Greene, LMSW, and Julie Frick, LMSW

Price: $29.95 plus $4.75 shipping.

“Excellent, a powerful resource, Lets the partner know they are not alone. A support group in a video box.”

-Laura Davis. Co-author of Courage To Heal.

Sexual Abuse is a horrendous act. The experience has a deeply negative impact on most survivors, which they carry into adulthood. Little help is offered to the Partners of Sexual Abuse Survivors, who are secondarily impacted by the abuse. In the present, their loved one is often struggling with issues of trust, betrayal, autonomy, intimacy, flashbacks, sexuality and closeness. If you can relate to any of these issues as challenges in your relationship, if you want to know how other partners cope with the challenges or if you want to learn how to find the joy with your partner, this video tape is for you.


counceling_processThe Counseling Process: A Consumer’s Guide

Authors: Gretchen Gardner, LMSW, Julie Frick, LMSW and

Bob Egri, MA

Price $8.00 includes shipping

This is a great resource for anyone who wants help, is wondering about seeking psychotherapy or counseling or who wants to know how the whole counseling/psychotherapy process works. Sections include:

How to choose a counselor

Common reservations people have

The benefits counseling

What happens during the process of counseling

How to get the most from counseling