Negative Dicrimination

project_icon_sbHave you ever been bullied due to your race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation?
Do you have to hide who you are because you don’t feel you will be accepted?
Do you experience negative effects in your field of employment for being who you are?
Do you have a child who is or has been bullied at school?
Have you internalized the oppression that others have inflicted?
IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS, you have been the victim of and incurred the impact of negative discrimination. If you have been harmed by discrimination, I can help you overcome the negative effects. If the discrimination is ongoing in your life, I can help you develop strategic ways of coping and to protect in your particular situation. It is important to me not only to heal the wounds of injustice, but to be a part of creating a more just world.
Handicapped_Accessible_signNegative Discrimination hurts and for some leaves deep wounds and scars. Continued negative discrimination is traumatic. Part of what hurts about discrimination is that it is based on “who you are,” not on a behavior you can change. The ones who discriminate often take no responsibility for their negative actions and the harm that results. Whether you are being discriminated against because you are a woman, or a person of color, or of a certain religion, or of a sexual/gender orientation, or have a disability or because someone thinks you are too fat/short/cognitively impaired, etc., it is wrong and you might be experiencing the traumatic effects. This negative treatment may cause you to shut down or to wall off important parts of yourself, for example. This can lead to depression or, on the other hand, to an outbreak of violence. In our culture, we are inundated with violence. Our children, who are exposed to this violence in many ways, are especially vulnerable to traumatic effects. Not only do they take it inside themselves, but they also take it to the playground. Finally, most states have an anti-bullying law under consideration.
**My private practice is open to, accepting and affirming of: all races, ethnicities, religions, sexual and gender orientations.**